
Ballooned road on the highway Porong

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

A highway segment in Sidoarjo, ballooned to a height of 50 centimeters. Roads caused by the urge bloated small-scale gas (bubble) below the surface of the earth, associated with the Lapindo mudflow in its east side.

Bubble unpaved soil layer resulted in there sticking out like a pregnant belly, and even led to cracks in diameter 1.5 meters x 1.5 meters.

The incident took place in Malang road directions, exactly in front of the monument yellow Siring Village, Porong.

According to the Sidoarjo Mud Disaster Agency (BPLS), is prone to bursts of fire burn if ignited.

"The condition of the mound on the east side, it's been a bit deflated" said Head of Public Relations BPLS, Ahmad Zulkarnain.

He said, bursts of methane gas that they contain flammable. Uncategorized low gas explosive limit (Lel). If ignited the fire, near the blast area could be burned. Nevertheless, the existing conditions otherwise still not safe enough because it may cause an explosion.

"If it did not explode. But can burn if ignited a fire, "said Zulkarnain. These bursts arise due to strong pressure from the surface through the gas underground.

Siring Village area, said Zulkarnain, has been declared unfit for human habitation into geology or natural zone of ground deformation is damaged. One characteristic of this zone is often the emergence of small bursts.

The appearance of bursts in Porong highway agencies in two days to go down as bursts of-160 in over three years. During that time, similar bursts has also appeared in the village of Mindi, Siring, Jatirejo until Ketapang village.

In order to handle the incident, BPLS has localizes bursts so as not to pass that road users across the highway Porong. In addition to police band fitted line (police line) is yellow, a number of signs posted around the roadblock area around the emergence of the blast. "We still need to observe two to three days for subsequent handling by alerting the monitoring officer there," he said.

Visible Then PPA Ahrie Sidoarjo district police Sonta Nasution said, still be allowed vehicle flow through Porong highway. The reason, it was not dangerous to vehicles and road users, so that traffic flow should not be transferred from there.

"However, we remain deployed personnel near the crack path to anticipate every possibility that might happen," said Ahrie when checking the condition of these cracks Porong highway.

Meanwhile, disaster management experts from Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, said Amin Widodo, the mound of dirt on the highway Porong to beware. Section, the phenomenon indicates the occurrence of ground movement beneath the road surface was due to be dragged by the center of the mudflow.

Amin compares the geological phenomenon around the center of the mudflow as a funnel. That is, the position of the ground at the top who have a rift, forming broad, but more and more narrowed down the width. That happened because the existing ground surface above will be drawn into all up through the center of mud and gas.

In such conditions, the gas can be peeking out from the cracked soil. If ignited the fire, flames would be dangerous. "Especially if the point of the cracks is still a lot of highway vehicle passed," he explained.

For that, the professor who is also member of the Centre for Disaster Studies of ITS was asked BPLS, police, Public Works Department, and other related officials actually did anticipate that the bubble in Porong highway does not endanger the public. For example, with the lid off the flow of vehicles passing on the highway which is cracked, or stop and disinfect the area so as not to pass the vehicle.

"To ensure the anticipation of what must be done, cracks around the point on the highway must be installed to monitor instrument (pressure) gas, whether high or not," he explained.

It was considered important because of the phenomenon, Amin said, would last long. Especially today, the center of a large mudflow that there were three points, and around the three point boost is also new cracks appear.

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